Inspirational Quote #3905567
all quotes · inspirational ·

Look at her, look at those spots; Yeah I see her, did you know

Look at her, look at those spots;

Yeah I see her, did you know she has a rare skin disease when she was
younger and she had to fight for her life? Those spots,
Scars. Battle wounds.

Look at her hair, its so short; 
Yeah I see her hair. It IS short, and what? Where you born
with long hair? How do you know she wanted it off?
How do you know?

You see her, with that THING on her face;
Who? Her? Yeah I see her, did you see the documentary on fires in 
science? That happens to be a bad memory, living with her for the
rest of her life.

Look at his clothes;
Yeah, so what if they're not what all th
e other lads wear,
that lad lost his home in a flood. I think clothes are last on his mind.
You see these people?
Extraordinary. Beautiful.

They wouldn't want to be

anybody else.

So stop looking at them as if its THEM who needs to change.

You see your attitude?
Its not right.

lovebabe;) -Stay beautiful ♥


lovebabe 1 decade ago
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LondonGurl: Thanks. Its been in my head all day at school when my mate pointed out this lad with spots, it just goes to show how much people judge.
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LondonGurl 1 decade ago
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I love this quote <3 most people in my school are judging its other, and i soo hate it
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posted September 23, 2011 at 1:51pm UTC tagged with inspirational

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