Story Quote #4002796
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What's the point of living anymore? NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME

What's the point of living anymore?

-I have no friends that are actually there for me 100%
-All my siblings hate me. 
-I'm Fat AND Ugly. 
-No one cares.
-The guy I love has a girl friend goes to college and never has time to talk anymore.

All I do is wake up go to school come home, stay on the computer all day, go to sleep, and do it all over again. 





lo0fallen0ve 1 decade ago
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Sorry for my lengthy comment, but "What's the point of living anymore?" Really?!
Just over three years ago a friend of mine died in a car accident, and just like that her future was gone. So much life left to be lived, and she was gone. It saddens me to think that anyone would think that they want to give that up. To never feel the sun on your skin or leaves crunching beneath your feet, to never smell fresh flowers in the spring or the crisp air in the fall. I read some of your quotes on your profile, and it sucks that a guy hurt you, I know. But the point in living is that eventually things start looking up. I'm sure you think I'm lying or that I just obviously don't know what I'm talking about. You're wrong. Here's how I look at it, know how when you get a cold and you're head is all stuffy and your throat is sore and all you wanna do is cry til you're better? And you realize how much you take being healthy for granted, well if you were super happy every day, it'd begin to feel just normal instead of great. Kind of a bad example, but not completely. A few months ago, I had a few weeks where I was feeling kinda down and sad, and one of my favorite friends, after listening to me complain and whine and kick myself when I was down, he said to me "now, list things you like about yourself." It was a stupid list to make out loud because most of the things I liked sounded embarrassing to say, but I still remember realizing that I like a lot about me, so who cares what anyone else thinks! I like the way that when I think something is funny, I laugh for real, like the loudest from the heart laugh. And I liked the way that my mom is one of my good friends, even though we fought when I was younger. So I pass the question along to you. You don't have to answer, but in your head you know that there are things about yourself that you like, because your view of yourself is the most important. Love yourself and the rest will fall into place. <3
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321pazzy123 1 decade ago
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ill be ur friend :)
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singingmylastgoodbye 1 decade ago
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please don't say that! you're beautiful! (your picture is proof! <3 ) and I along with the thousands of other witty girls care, hang in there :)
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posted October 4, 2011 at 10:46pm UTC tagged with story

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