Vent Quote #4068554
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I always see girls next to Boys, Huggingg,laughing,bf and gf,

I always see girls next to Boys, Huggingg,laughing,bf and gf, then, I see me. Hopeless...Useless. Ugly, fat.. I WANT to be that girl who Committed Suicide.. bec. I'm OverWeight and Ugly, and I woulde Never find "love" Beausee I Might had frikin Skin Cancer and I have all these Dots on my face... I want to Be like YOU.. prettyy and Skinny..


_dynamite_ 1 decade ago
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Okay, listen to me right now.
I have been in this boat. I was meeeega overweight and bulimic, I have lots of chicken pox scars and stretch marks, my family would never help me loose weight ext as they were so busy calling me beautiful because I am their daughter & trying to stop me being bullied at school. Then I got to the point where I got stretchmarks on my inner thighs and arms and hips due to my skin expanding and loosening after yoyo dieting. I WAS OVERWEIGHT. But the thing is I somehow ended up loosing weight and due to previously being bullied I moved school for a fresh start. I now have an amazing boyfriend who adores me and I do all that with but the thing is...
I still look the same to myself as I did back then. I am still a insecure whiny . You will get a boyfriend, I know it. One day you will stop wishing and will get a boost. You will stop worrying and crying. You will still be insecure, I'm not going to lie. But you just have to realize you have your OWN beauty that nobody else can have because you are unique and lovely. Don't tell me I don't know how you feel. There is so much I want to write to you but I am beginning to feel weird. Remember.. you are you. You have a mouth, a nose, eyes, ears, cheeks, a chin, hair, shoulders, arms, legs, a stomach, boobs, your lady parts, your hands. You are perfect. There will never be another you so stop trying to live someone elses life, live the beautiful life you were born to live.
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xoashleexo565 1 decade ago
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heey look i really dont know how that feels to be in that postion but dont kill yourself over it, you will find someone someday i promise(:
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posted October 13, 2011 at 4:51pm UTC tagged with vent

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