Funny Quote #4115987
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you smoke? wow your cool! LOL JK have fun dying

you smoke?

 wow your cool!


have fun dying


pooladdict452011 1 decade ago
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Sorry, I was in a bad mood that day, but while you think that everyone's smoking because it's just a habit they started or something, it usually isn't.... If someone wants to truly quit, they will, but if they try a billion times & don't, there's something deeper there.
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Iwant2flyaway 1 decade ago
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sorry for offending you that wasn't my intention, most of my family smokes and i'm tired of it, there slowly taking away time off there lives. I'm sorry for making you feel like , I really am, and good luck with quitting, and congratz on being sober.
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posted October 19, 2011 at 3:53pm UTC tagged with funny

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