Inspirational Quote #4295325
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Everyone who gets this message needs to listen up. Let's see if we can get into the newspaper for this. On february 22 let's everyone wear a blue shirt. I don't care what shade of blue it is. If you are a kid pass this along to all your friends. If you go into a chat room tell everyone there to tell thier friends. If you are an adult pass this to all your friends, and tell everyone at work about it. I'm using the power of e-mail and sketchfu for this. Mark your calendars for Feb. 22 blue shirt day. Let's go down in history for this. I don't care if you get this e-mail 2000 times. Just keep sending it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ready go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, 
p.s. Please copy and paste this into a fresh email or pm. Nobody likes scrolling through tons of other people's emails or Pms,. 
some person wrote this... lol


cchhoommppeerrss 1 decade ago
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cchhoommppeerrss 1 decade ago
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ok i will lol :) but yyyy?????
o ya who else has this web site dude
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Kayla Greenman*

Kayla Greenman*

posted November 10, 2011 at 4:52pm UTC tagged with inspirational

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