Advice Quote #4421676
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Please don't skip over ♥ This quote is not pretty

Please don't skip over 
This quote is not pretty but neither are our personalities. This qoute is for any girl who is struggling & is not afraid to admit it or call out for help. I'm here for you, just remember suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem along with cutting & starving yourself. Enjoy life, because we only get one try at it. 
You are beautiful.

-Just another girl,
with the same problems.


Dakotah2015 1 decade ago
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couldn't have said it better my self, I encourage that ur helping people, I try to tell every girl on here thouse are non of the awnsers.
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confessions_of_a_cutter 1 decade ago
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I'm not afraid to admit that I need help, and I'm here to help anyone who needs me.
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posted November 23, 2011 at 10:41pm UTC tagged with advice