Story Quote #4428564
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Chapter four . GoodBye Maria Fay It's been about a month,

Chapter four .
oodBye Maria Fay

It's been about a month, since me and my mom moved to Georgia, we are both settled in, in our tiny new home, that was still pretty big for only 2 people.
One night at the dinner table, on a friday night, i got a text from Colton saying; ''Hey, I'm going to Alex's party tonight, I can bring 2 guest, wanna be one of them?(:'' I instently replied saying ''Sure!''
''Wear something hot, I'll pick you up around 9;30,'' He replied afetr a minutes.
''Mom, I'm going out with a couple of my new friends, with their.....Parent's annviversy party, Yeah, i know it's a huge lie, but that's the only way my mom will let me go.... I'll be home around mid-night maybe 11:30.  See ya, Gotta get ready!
So I ran up to my room, went to my closet, and picked the most hottest thing i owned, and put it on. 

I got my make-up on, and by the time I was completely done, it was 9.
I ran down my stairs almost tripping from my High heels, I heard a honk at the door, and grabbed my little fur vest, and ran out the door, hopping in Colton's 2011 red Buick, ''Nice Car'' I said, ''thanks'' he said.
''Oh, And sexy ourfit you have on girl.'' He also said.
''Haha Thanks!'' I said back laughing, after a 25 minutes car ride to the party, was fun.  We pulled up to a Mansion Must have been Alex's. I was stunned. I couldn't believe this house.  He held my car door to get out, I said thanks, and next thing i knew, we were walking up to the doors,
And my stomache began to twist, after all... I didn't know Alex...

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posted November 24, 2011 at 7:06pm UTC tagged with story

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