Vent Quote #4551880
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Quote #4551880

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liveitupkeeplaughing 1 decade ago
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aww listen i dont know you but ive heard of you and im friends with alexa &&she showed me ur witty during school once (yeaah ik we're such badasses lol) &like...i just randomly decided to search you again &when i saw this i just felt reallly bad. from what i've heard, your a reallly sweet guy and u deserve better than to be going through this kindof . so yea...i just wanted to tell you that there is a reason to live. hang in there, you've got friends and a great gf and things will get better. promisse!(:
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FromWhereYouAre 1 decade ago
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thats not true
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PomegranateFool22 1 decade ago
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You always will have potential to grow, and become who you want to be, dont worry i knew what it felt like to be in your place, but there is always a reason to live, find pleasure in the little things, enjoy your precious life because even if others dont think so you are worth something. I have to remind myself of this all the time, because i am prone to question my worth for the smallest mistakes, but sometimes you have to let it go and forgive yourself <3
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PomegranateFool22 1 decade ago
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There is always a reason to live, because somewhere out there, somebody loves or cares about you, and there are people that maybe you havent met yet who will, dont let one lousy decision bring you down, because your not stupid, no one is, we all make mistakes, grow from it( i know i sound cheesy but its true) you can always redeem yourself tomorrow. and remember that someone cares so dont take the precious gift of your life away from them, and away from yourself <3, bless you
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posted December 8, 2011 at 7:19pm UTC tagged with vent

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