Story Quote #4734529
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Give it a Chance chapter 2 " Welcome to California Annalise."

Give it a Chance
chapter 2

" Welcome to California Annalise."
I smiled, replaying those four friendly words in my head. I think I had made my frist friend! And this fast! In 2 minutes someone reached their hand out to me, literally, and at my old school, that I went to for 2 years, no one would even bother giving me a minute of their day.
"Thank you Chelsea," I replied in a warm tone.
She grinned and pulled me in for a hug. I was already feeling the love.
"Hey! Let me introduce you to my brother! The one that hit you."
The last part she said while rolling her eyes.
"Will! Come 'ere!"
I glanced past Chelsea and saw a boy who looked about my age jogging up to us. Once he got closer, I took a good look at him. Brown hair that fell over his green eyes, tan, well-built, little freckles scattered across his face, and the abs. Oh my. He was perfect. You never saw boys like that in Maine. I looked back and forth between both of them. They looked very alike.
"Will, this is Annalise, the girl you hit with the football."
He put his hand behind his neck, and looked down.
"Sorry 'bout that," he mumbled.
"It's ok. I'm fine."
He lifted his head, and looked into my eyes. I turned in the other direction, hiding the fact my face was probably as red as a tomato.
"She moved up here from Maine! How cool is that? We're gonna have to get you used to the warm, huh?"
I nodded and laughed a little. Well it came out more like a, "Hmph."
I looked at Chelsea, then at Will, who was intently looking at me. My stomach started doing little flips, and my face was burning. But that was probably the sun, hitting my pale face.
Will added, "Is California that different than Maine?"
I shook my head up and down.
"Well, yes. Maine is colder, and more, well, woodsy. There's many trees, lakes, animals. Perfect place for fishers or hunters."
Will put his thumb under his chin, and nodded.
Chelsea piped in and said, "Well Annalise, how about tonight you come with me, Will, and the gang, whom you will meet, to the night swim tonight?"
I raised my eyebrows, oblivious to what she meant.
"Every Saturday night all the teens from the high school come to the beach and go swimming, throw concerts, drink, play games, have a bonfire, you name it!"
It would be nice to start school off with a nice group of friends.
"I'd love to," I replied with an excited ring to my voice.
Chelsea beamed and clapped her hands.
"Awesome! Meet us at the ice cream shop tonight at around 8!"
Will looked amused, and started playing with the sand, using his feet.
"See you then," I waved to them as they started walking away.
Will looked back at me one last time, and he left me there anxious to see him again.

*love all of you amazing people :)
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mariabeach247 1 decade ago
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this is good how do you change your profile with those pictures??! and can you make more stories soon??
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posted December 27, 2011 at 8:45pm UTC tagged with story

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