Story Quote #4863394
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I was proud of Daddy, going to fight for the war. My sister saw

going to fight for the war.
My sister saw how sad Mommy was,
But I didn't think of it that way.
Even if he didn't say,
I saw the pain in Daddy's Eyes.

The day Daddy left for Iraq was sad.
He told Mommy he loved her,
and kissed the bump in her tummy.
He promised my sister he would come home.
Even if he didn't say,
I saw the tears in Daddy's eyes.

We talked to him on Skype,
so he could see us grow.
He congratulated me on my cursive test,
and my sister on her dance recital.
Even if he didn't say, 
I saw the exhaustion in Daddy's eyes

Then one truly unbearable day,
We got Daddy home in a box made of oak.
The procession and funeral were quiet,
except for my sister screaming "You promised!"
Even if he didn't say, 
I saw the emptiness in Daddy's eyes.

The baby in Mommy was growing, 
but still daddy was gone.
one day, I got a little brother, 
but the joy was muted without Daddy.
Even if he couldn't say,
I felt the longing in Daddy's eyes.

I held my new brother,
and stroked his tiny hand.
He stirred in his sleep,
gently opening his eyes.
Even though he wasn't there,

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posted January 9, 2012 at 9:40pm UTC tagged with story

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