Advice Quote #4997234
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I'm not single anymore. I'm happy with herc: Here's

I'm not single anymore.
I'm happy with herc:
Here's the catch...I'd be even happier with her.
loves someone else; and I don't know if she'll ever love me like that.
I don't feel like waiting around anymore
Bad part?
I'd drop my girlfriend when she needed me...Or wanted me.
I feel like I'm using my girlfriend...Am I?
Maybe I'm just a typical guy.

1 Comment

akatsukiiprincess* 1 decade ago
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If you just stay in the background like nothings going on, then nothings gonna change. I personally think its not right to stay with someone while you have feelings for someone else. You gotta tell the other girl and your girlfriend how you feel, and then see where things go. At first it will probably be like a living hell, but after maybe a week or so things should start falling into place. It'll be rough, but worth it i promise. &if you ever wanna talk, im here :]
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posted January 26, 2012 at 8:18pm UTC tagged with advice

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