Vent Quote #5350865
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Logan and I broke up today. It was kind of sudden, and awful.

Logan and I broke up today. It was kind of sudden, and awful. I cried, a lot. My heart hurts. I'm in love with him, and losing him is the worst thing that has ever happened in my life. 
He spent so much time and money on me, and I feel like it all went to crap. I feel like we ripped each other's hearts out of our chests, and chucked them in a blender and just shredded them to bits. It's torture, I need him.
He gave me a promise ring, on December 26, 2011. A Christmas/6 month present. It would have been 9 months on March 27. We came so, so close.
The presents he gave me will never leave me. I  have the teddy bear from Valentine's Day right next to me, the ring on my left ring finger, still, and the necklace proudly around my neck. 
I will NOT delete the pictures off my Facebook, I will NOT takes the songs out of my playlists. I refuse to forget him. I refuse to let the memory of our love slip out of my reach. I know I'll have him back soon, hopefully. 
I love you. I'm sorry. 

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posted March 16, 2012 at 9:28pm UTC tagged with vent

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