Vent Quote #5461448
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So I know not many people will stop and read this because I'm

So I know not many people will stop and read this because I'm not exactally witty popular, but I have changed, When my best friend died I devoted myself to helping people going through the same thing she is. I did everything I could to save others and witty has helped me so much. Yeh I know it is witty's birthday on the 9th and I thought that witty is so amazing not because of what it is but the beautiful amazing people who are on it. You all help and save so many people and I just wanted to say thanks, So just give your selves a pat on the back and smile. Because not only is it wittys birthday on the 9th, it is the day you became so very special

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posted April 4, 2012 at 6:26am UTC tagged with vent

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