Vent Quote #5504854
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Is it bad that i might have a crush on my friends ex-boyfriend?

Is it bad that i might have a crush on my friends ex-boyfriend?

He is my best friend. Like i'm not even joking between all of my friends (guy or girl) he is the closest one i have. 

He thinks the same way, has the same sense of humor, and can tell when i'm lying to him. He thinks i'm this perfect angel who can do know wrong, and he stops by in the dead of night to play frizbee with me (which he is teaching how to be good at). He calls me and talks  to me from hours on end, and if i ask him to get me icecream, he does, no matter what.

I tried really hard to stop myself from liking him. but i couldn't.

It's not fair that the good guys are always taken, gay, or complicated.


xxmeganispoppinxx 1 decade ago
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no he didn't, it was actually her who hurt him. but thankyou my morals are just getting in the way uk?
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Fake_a_smile 1 decade ago
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idk, follow your heart, unless he did something bad to your friend, like, cheated or something
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posted April 11, 2012 at 1:05am UTC tagged with vent

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