Story Quote #5640416
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The Perfect Family Chapter 5 Sam's P.O.V. "Calm down

The Perfect FamilChapter 5
Sam's P.O.V.

"Calm down bro, everything will be fine." Matt informs me. I nod. Everyone thinks I'm nervous. I am, but not as much nervous as excited. I'm finally getting married to the girl I love. The girl who is the mother to my child. I can't wait. I only wish Dad could be here...
No, snap out of it Sam. Don't think about that, not right now.
I fix my tux and look at my watch. 11:45. People are probably out there already. Nick slaps me on the back, and says a quick "good luck" before walking out. Matt does the same thing but we bro-hug instead. "You'll do fine man, no worries!" he assures me, then dissapears.
I take a deep breath, fix my tuxedo for the last time, make sure my vows are in my pocket, and slip out the door to the awaiting crowd.

After about 5 minutes, everyone is seated. I scan the crowd and spot Anthony, remembering Ari invited him. He catches my eye, shoots me a sincere smile and a thumbs up. He mouths I'm sorry and I nod and smile back, and then the music starts playing and I see Bree. In her left hand is Charlie's hand and in her right hand is a basket of flower petals.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: so, how do you guys like it so far? feedback please!
sequel to: "Even 'Perfect' Girls Get Hurt Sometimes" and "Perfect" by ME!

Format by twilightgirl995

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posted May 4, 2012 at 5:38pm UTC tagged with story

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