Story Quote #5675548
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The Perfect Family Chapter 11 Ari's P.O.V. Stop it Ari. Don't

The Perfect FamilChapter 11
Ari's P.O.V.
Stop it Ari. Don't be a baby.
I am happy, I am, we have our own house now. As Sam and Bree are playing with eachother in the family room, I trudge up the stairs into the all-to familiar room. I brush my hand over all four lavender painted rooms, and give a weak smile. I crouch down by the window and run my fingers over the dent Charlie and I made in the wall when we were jumping on my bed. I laugh to myself and go to another room.
I sigh as I walk into this room, and walk around. The hole in the wall Charlie and I succesfully hid until we moved and my parents saw it.
"Ari?" Sam calls and I snap back into reality.
"Yeah, sorry babe, just... just looking around." I whisper.
"Ari, are you okay baby girl?" he asks me, wrapping his strong arms around me, already knowing the answer. I shake my head.
"Tell me hun." he says softly.
"Well, this is... this is where I used to live before Dad died..."

©AUTHOR'S NOTE: so, how do you guys like it so far? feedback please!
sequel to: "Even 'Perfect' Girls Get Hurt Sometimes" and "Perfect" by ME! If you're confused by anything, comment.(: This book will probably have around 15-30 chapters... Please do not steal or repost any of my stories.

Format by twilightgirl995
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posted May 10, 2012 at 9:59pm UTC tagged with story

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