Vent Quote #5965589
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You know what? I'll finally admit it. I'm insecure about my weight.

You know what? I'll finally admit it. I'm insecure about my weight. I'm not overweight though. I'm 13 years old and 107 pounds, 5 feet and 5 inches. You'd think a girl like that would love her body. But when you tower over everyone you know, even adults, you'll feel out of place. When you can see every bone and muscle, you'll feel ugly. And I'm sick of people asking if I'm anorexic, because I'm not. I'm sick of being asked if I'm bulemic, because I'm not. I eat WAY too much, actually. I have NO social life compared to all my friends, and maybe that doesn't seem like such a big deal, but it's actually quite painful to know that my three best friends all have a billion more important friends and a billion guys who like them. Some may not notice, but it's true. And I've never feel beautiful. I think maybe I could if I didn't have such a huge nose, or pimples all over my face, or even horrible looking hair. I'm tired of being insecure. And as much advice as I give to people, none of it works for me. Dont try to convince me otherwise. I'm ugly. I get it.


HetaliaAxisPowers 1 decade ago
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I know I seem like a stalker, but don't be insecure, be happy. There is nothing wrong with being tall. Don't let people make you feel that way about yourself :)
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lovewackjob 1 decade ago
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it weird cuz this is pretty much exactly like me.& if you ever need someone to talk to im here fro you
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3 Wittians like this

lovewackjobArilena :)*HetaliaAxisPowers


posted July 5, 2012 at 4:48pm UTC tagged with vent

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