Vent Quote #5975699
all quotes · vent ·

My parents think that my feelings of being worthless are just

My parents think that my feelings of being worthless are just passing.
They don't realize that even if they get me to smile for a second, when I'm alone, my heart hurts.

I just don't think I can do this anymore.


lexilu4322 1 decade ago
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dont think that! you are worth the world to someone out there in the world. it may take sometime to find them but you will! you were put on this earth for a reason and that reason isnt to feel worthless becasue you arent! you are amazing in every single way! dont ever think of yourself otherwize!
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Reporting_Troll 1 decade ago
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Chapter 4 is out! Read it?
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posted July 7, 2012 at 3:18pm UTC tagged with vent

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