Story Quote #6083455
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H i d i n g Chapter 1 I readjusted my strap on my backpack and

H i d i n g
Chapter 1

I readjusted my strap on my backpack and grabbed my suitcases. The plane ride over was relatively boring, I slept most it. Walking out of the airport, I was hit with the hot L.A air. There was a man in a black suit standing outside the airport with my name on it. Behind him was a limo, they sent a limo, a freaking limo. To pick up just one person. 

“Hello, you must be Ms. Hamilton. Your father sent me to pick you up.” The driver said with a smile.

“Please, call me Carter.” I shook his hand, and then hopped into the back seat, while the diver put stuff in the back. For the duration of the ride, I was staring out of the window taking in my new “home.” The truth is, I will never call this home. Home is in Miami, with my best friend, my dog, and my mom. But unfortunately life’s not fair. When you love something it gets taken away from you. So kids, the lesson is: Appreciate what you have before it becomes what you had.

The driver pulled into a drive way of a gigantic house. Like shocking big, it was weird. There are three (now four) people living in that house. No one needs that much room. I swear 17 elephants could live there.

Waiting for me was my father and what I am guessing to be my step mother. I grabbed my suitcases from the back and headed to greet them.

“Carter, it’s great to see you.” My father said, while awkwardly hugging me. That right people, I get a “it’s great to see you.” No how are you, how are you feeling.

“You too…” I said pulling away. I was lying, I didn’t want to see him, not one bit. After that little encounter with my father, I moved on to my step mother.

“Hi, I’m Carter,” I stuck my hand out for her to shake “you must be Rebecca.”

She looked at my hand with a disgusted face then looked back at me, “Yes, that me, but you will address me as Mrs. Hamilton.” ‘Mrs. Hamilton’ said while flipping her long hair over her should. I looked at my fahter with a face that said are-you-being-freaking-serious. He was too busy looking at Rebecca dreamily. Well, this is going to be terrific! 

"Marice went out with some of her friends, she'll be back sometime tonight." My father said. Marcie is my step-sister. 


Later that night, I was un packing my stuff into my new bedroom when my father called me downstairs. When I got down the steps I has a wonderful suprise waiting for me. Marcie. She was sitting there checking out her manicure, sitting on a couch, looking impaitent. 

"Hi, I'm Carter." I stuck my hand out for her to shake. Wow, she is exactly like her uptight mother. Maybe with a little more attitude. She sat there look at my hand, like she could get some type of desiese from it. I awkwardly put my hand down and started walking back to the stairs when my father spoke again. 

"Carter, don't be rude. Stay and have a conversation." He said with his arm around the wicked woman of the west. With clenched fists I walked over to the couch Marcie was sitting on and sat on the oppisite side of it. Marcie lookedd at me then rolled her eyes. I don't even know why they hate me, I never did anything to them, but here we are, Rebecca glaring at me from across the room and Marcie looking at me like I just killed someone. What a wonderful first day here, I can't for the rest. 

Thank you for reading. It would mean a lot if you could comment what you think. Even if you think it sucks, comment and tell me so I can get better. Xx


shysecret411 1 decade ago
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wow i really like your story i write to but im not getting vbery far :( could you read my story :D xx
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panda_678 1 decade ago
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I really like the story. I went back and read the prologue, I think it's good. The only advice I'd give you, is to read over it a couple of more times before you post it. I found myself having to re-read sentences because they were run-ons. But I really enjoyed it! I'll continue to read it. :)
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posted July 29, 2012 at 6:09am UTC tagged with story

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