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One in a Million A One Direction Fan Fiction by AmberBailey *Chapter

One in a Million
A One Direction Fan Fiction by AmberBailey

*Chapter Fourty-Eight; Part Two*
Niall's POV:

        "Yes, we would." I answered for her and she seemed to relax. We both looked up at the screen which showed our baby.
    "Congrats, you're having a baby girl," I started to tear up and so did she; I still couldn't believe I was going to a dad. I kissed Amber's knuckles and buried my face in her chest. "She is perfectly healthy so keep up the good work."
    We were so thrilled to hear we were having a little girl. We talked about names more and where we were going to live. Sadly, I had to go back home that night. I kissed both of my girls goodbye and returned to the lads. They were all waiting for me in my flat.
    "It's a girl. We're having a baby girl." They were so happy for us. Once we settled down I bit, I asked their opinions on names. "I was really liking the name Marlee. "
    "That's real pretty," Liam commented. "I liked the names Amber picked out, but I also like the name Brielle." That was pretty.
    "I agree with Liam," Zayn chimed in. "I liked the ones Amber said. But the name Bridget is really lovely too." I liked the ring that Bridget had to it.
    "What about you, Lou?" he twisted his face at my question.
    "I don't know this is hard," He tapped his chin while he thought. "I like the name Lillian, but call her Lilli for short." I smiled at that name; I thought it was beautiful.
    "And I like Darcy, but you can't name her that because then our daughters would have the same name." I rolled my eyes at Harry and laughed. "So I'd suggest naming her Annabelle." That was cute too. This was going to be hard.
    "I like them all." I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at the ground. "I'm going to have to run them all by Amber to see what she says." I texted them to her.
    'Why is this so hard? My Mom's giving me some ideas too: Casey, Paige, Quinn, and Scarlett. I thought of some more too: Destinee, Francesca (Frankie for short), and Haliegh. This is going to be hard :/ At least we have about six more months to pick! Love you<3 -Amber'
    I ran the new suggestions by the boys. "Oh my gosh, this is going to take forever." Louis whined and we all thougth the same thing. This was tough.

Thanks for reading, Loves! Gosh, yous pick good names! So of the names that were listed in this chapter, which ones do yous like? I'll list them again:
1. Marlee
2. Brielle
3. Bridget
4. Lillian (Lilli)
5. Annabelle (Ann, Anna, Belle, Belles)
6. Casey
7. Paige
8. Quinn
9. Scarlett
10. Destinee
11. Francesca (Frankie)
12. Haliegh
Comment your favorite(s)! :)xx

Amber's Outfit:
Format by Sandrasaurus


heaven_is_here 1 decade ago
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Quinn- Irish like Niall's name.
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livvygurl77 1 decade ago
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I like brielle(: I think it's super pretty and I feel like Niall would like that name in real life(:
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dramaqueen607 1 decade ago
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I like Paige, Lilli, Annebelle and Destinee. But I like Paige the best. :) <33
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meheak12 1 decade ago
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Anabelle, or Bree. :)
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MonsterBunny 1 decade ago
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Omg i love the name Lillian, but i love Paige too. But i would go with Lilli
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Lost Dreamer* 1 decade ago
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i like Annabelle and Casey.
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xolimegreenxo101 1 decade ago
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i like annabelle
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posted August 4, 2012 at 9:13pm UTC tagged with story

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