Away Messages Quote #6115437
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Dear Me,You are ugly. You are stupid and no one likes you. They

Dear Me,
You are ugly. You are stupid and no one likes you. They think you're a wh0re that sleeps around with all of the guys you hang out with, simply because no girls like you. You don't deserve to live. You are fat. You have gained so much weight and you need to stop eating. You're not good enough. You'll never br good enough.
Love, Wisco


beauty_smilez 1 decade ago
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Wisconsin, I have read through all of you quotes. Your amazing!!! Stay strong. Ignore the rude and cling to the good hearted. God is doing everything he can. He loves you so much. ALWAYS remember....... your beautiful and some girls are just b/tches. ~ With TONS of love <3 <3 <3 <3 beauty_smilez
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iamtherunaway 1 decade ago
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Dear you,
I think you are wonderful.
You are so strong.
You aren't fat at all.
I should know.
I'm not expecting you to start eating or stop cutting, but you can talk to me.
Love, me
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PaperPanda 1 decade ago
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That's not true. Don't say that. If you need to talk someone, comment my page?
Stay strong <3
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4 Wittians like this



posted August 5, 2012 at 2:08am UTC tagged with away messages

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