Funny Quote #6161391
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Letter 23- last person you kissed Dear Cameron and Zykeema, you

Letter 23- last person you kissed

Dear Cameron and Zykeema,
 you guys seriously need help. Zykeema, i never though a 4 year old would get a whole bunch of her little friends to hold me down. im not strong, so 7 8 year olds holding me down was enough. you told them to keep me down then attempted to make out with me. i didnt exactly kiss back- and i want to thank michelle for helping me get up. cameron, 3 year olds arent supposed to put their hands down a 13 year olds pants (dont worry i moved away) and try to kiss them and call them sexy. remember the word michy and i taught you, beautiful is a nicer word.
Love, your "daughter"/"mother"

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posted August 16, 2012 at 9:52am UTC tagged with funny

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