Funny Quote #6189700
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OK Someone please tell me Why is there a picture of a cat's

Someone please tell me
Why is there a picture of a cat's face behind the banner advertisement at the top of the page? 
I'd really like to know.
When you click to a new page... and the banner advertisement flashes... there is a cat face. 
Seriously, you guys, that's weird. 
Am I totally crazy?


J0s14h 1 decade ago
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Well, you see, Steve has a soft spot in his heart, not only for dinosaurs, but also for cats. ...Ummmm... no idea.
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AlpacaPerson 1 decade ago
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I thought I was the oly one that noticed it... But it's gone now because of the new update. That or it just doesn't show up on my iPad -_- everything's always different on here...
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5 Wittians like this



posted August 23, 2012 at 10:56pm UTC tagged with funny

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