Inspirational Quote #6196958
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Okay, so my friend and I just watched the movie cyber bully and

Okay, so my friend and I just watched the movie cyber bully and we were really inspired by the movie. We did some more research and we found out that it is only illegal in some states. Recently we have out that someone from our school commited sucicide over cyber bullying. We found that pretty messed up. I knew it was bad, but I just saw that there is a lot of people commiting over it. So don't make that same mistake, don't wait until someone takes their own life, save a life, I know it's hard to stick up for someone because everyone wants to fit in and be accepted, but to be a life saver in my opinion is better than fitting in. I know from personal experience, that it can really push you to the edge. It is pretty hard, everyone seems against you when no one sticks up for you. But if you need someone to turn to you can come to me. I'll always be here and ready to listen. Love you all, thanks so much if you read the whole thing! Spread the word don't let it get worse. Let's get the sucide ratings down rather than them go up! 

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Ellmo 1 decade ago
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I love this(:
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posted August 26, 2012 at 12:12am UTC tagged with inspirational

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