Story Quote #6231861
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FickleHearts Chapter 9 Amy slowly approached Jake. "Hey."

Chapter 9

Amy slowly approached Jake. "Hey."
"I didn't spot you in your usual seat today at lunch," Jake commented. He was gazing at the scenery. "What's up with that?"
Amy sighed. "Tara had to finish off something in the library..."
Jake's jaw tensed. "The library..."
Amy slowly nodded, mentally kicking herself. Maybe she should've just ignored him when he was calling her.
"Alright," Jake began. He turned to smile at her. "Who told you?"
Amy bit her lower lip. "Huh?"
"About Lena," Jake specified.
Amy rubbed her arm, uncomfortably. "Laurel and Tara told me enough to come to my conclusion."
"Which would be?"
Amy remained silent.
Jake scowled at her. "What? Cat ate your tongue?"
Amy shook her head, not daring to look at him.
"Do you think I killed her just like the rest?" Jake spat.
Amy grimaced. He looked even angrier than back at the cafe.
"Because that's what all nosy people think of me," Jake snarled. "You think you know everything, but you don't know a single thing. Do me a favor, would you? Mind your own business."
"The same goes for you," Amy blurted out, frowning up at him.
Jake took in a deep breath, surprised.
Amy's voice spoke faster than her brain could stop her. "You are the one minding my business. I try to ignore you and keep out of your moody butt's way, but you always follow me around. I did not ask you to speak to me or to question what I knew about Lena. You are sitting up here, practically telling me that I ruined your day, when you and your stupid mood swings keep ruining mine! I'm tired of your idiotic personality and the way you think you can walk all over people because of your 'good looks'. You know what else I'm tired of?! You thinking you're the world's victim. Your crush got ran over by a car, I get it. And I'm sorry if I'm being insensible, but honestly, nobody is blaming you about it. Nobody knows you were there that night! Except freaking ice-heart Laurel who probably hates you because you didn't even come to the funeral of your crush! Man up, would you?"
Amy stopped to catch a breath.
Where had all that come from?
Jake simply stared blankly at her. And then he laughed.
He. Laughed.
"Your face was quite funny," he chuckled, covering his mouth with his hand.
Amy's mouth dropped open. With all her strength, she threw her meal at Jake's foolish face. 
"Ow," Jake breathed out, stopping his laughter.
"That's what I'm talking about," Amy pointed out, frowning. "One moment you're mad, the other you're laughing, and the other you're walking all over people. What? I don't get how people say that girls are the biggest mystery in the world when you're still walking on Earth!"
Jake remained silent, gazing down at the sandwich. "I guess that's my way of saying sorry."
"Changing moods every freaking second?" Amy exclaimed.
"Nope," Jake replied. "Simply hiding my feelings."
Amy remained silent, taken aback by his answer. She was expecting one of his retorts, after all.
Jake's eyes landed on her. But this time, they weren't the usual smug ones she saw. They were different... they were like a wide open book, letting her see the real Jake.
"Ever since Lena died," Jake continued. "I feel as if people will blame me for everything... that I have to keep my guard up. I felt as if just one struck of a bad glance would bring me tumbling down."
"I'm sorry," Amy told him. "But mood swings have nothing to do with keeping your guards up."
Jake gave Amy a truthful smile. "I'm not usually like that... strangely, it only happens with you. I really don't know how to act when I'm around you, don't ask me why."
Amy nodded, forgetting about how weird that sounded. "Oh..."
Jake resumed his laughter. "Nice throw, by the way."
Instead of handing him the usual glare, Amy chuckled along.
So his weird behavior was attributed to the loss of a loved one. Amy suddenly felt slightly guilty. After all, she wasn't really so sane after her dad died, either.
"You're really something, Amy," Jake murmured, smiling at her.
The way he was giving her that caring smile, Amy couldn't help but blush.
"I am truly sorry for giving you such a first week of school," Jake told her. He slightly smiled. "Hopefully, you'll still keep talking to me..."
Amy sighed, smiling at Jake. The real Jake. 
"Of course."
Thanks for reading! I'm hoping people are enjoying this :) By the way... if you think the Lena subject is done, then you're totally wrong. After all, the story is simply about to begin ;D

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posted September 5, 2012 at 4:25pm UTC tagged with story

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