Friendship Quote #624118
all quotes · friendship ·

Best friends will be there for you when you fall. When you get

 Best friends will be there for you when you fall.
When you get married and when you cry.
To make you laugh until you die.
Friends have the guts to make laugh and smile.
but best friends... they have the guts to make you frown and cry...but, they do this cause they know that when they apologize that you'll give them a hug and end up laughing together again.

Best friends are there forever. Girls fight with they're best friends often so if you're a girl remember that they probably didn't mean to hurt you. Just because they agree with something someone said about you doesn't mean they want to hurt you it means that your who you are and you should accept that! 

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posted March 11, 2009 at 10:08pm UTC tagged with friendship

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