Inspirational Quote #6279809
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You're waiting on something to change, or you're waiting

You're waiting on something to change, or you're waiting for someone, or just waiting in general. Sometimes you have to let go, other times you feel lost, or hurt, not mad, just hurt. Sometimes you need a good cry. That's all. You don't even need a reason, you can just cry. If you are having a bad day, stay strong please. You are beautiful. Boy or girl or whatever else. You are so incredibly beautiful. Please be strong, be strong for me. Thing's will be alright. They will get better. I promise. I've been there. I've been the girl with no friends or the girl who cried herself to sleep. The girl who's cut. The girl who broke down time and time again. I know how you feel. And it got better. Not right away, and I know that's what you want, but it takes time. And that time is so worth the wait. Please be okay. Things will change eventually. And you will be alright. Things will be alright.

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posted September 23, 2012 at 4:08pm UTC tagged with inspirational

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