Story Quote #6340242
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Last Chance Chapter 5 A few weeks have passed and school has

Last Chance
Chapter 5

A few weeks have passed and school has piled on the assignments. Stress is getting higher and higher. Test block is also coming up so that's not helping. I barlely get time to myself anymore, in the car on the way to and from school is the most I get a day. But the boys rugby season is starting this Saturday, tomorrow, so I'm forcing myself to make time. I've never missed any of Hunter's games before and year 12 isn't going to stop it now. As I sit in my room doing my homework, I start to get a headache. Which has been happening a lot latley. I went downstairs to get some pain killers. The doctors say it's just stress though and gave me the tablets. I swallow them down with some water and begin my way back up stairs. Reaching the top, my older brother, Jack comes out of his bedroom with someone behind him. 
"He Jaycee I took this guy here," He said with playful disgust, "On leave for ya. Your welcome." And the sarcasticness comes out... And so does Hunter, wasn't expecting that.
"JAYC-" His yell was cut short with my serious face.
"If your here, you're helping me study." His face dropped. "Otherwise go play Boarderlands 2 with Jack." 
"YOU HAVE BOARDERLANDS 2?" He screams running down the stairs to the games room. I sigh and carry on with my assignments. 
As it becomes close to 3 am, Hunter comes into my room. 
"Jaycee, you've been at this for 10 hours now, why so long?" He asks.
"Well, if I want to see your game tomorrow, I'm going to have to finish this tonight." I explain , not taking my eyes off of my laptop.
"You mean today, my game's today." He says. "Go to bed Jaycee." 
"Fine. But it'll be your fault if I don't get this finished in time." I closed my laptop amd put it on charge.
4 hours of sleep. Kill. Me. Now. I had to wake up early because i've got another doctors apointment in half an hour. Having a quick shouwer, brushing my teeth and throwing on some sweats, I headed out of the door.

Exuse the spelling and grammar errors please :)

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posted October 15, 2012 at 9:13pm UTC tagged with story

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