Away Messages Quote #6378590
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I'm not good enough I cry I feel sad, I'm screwed up

I'm not good enough I cry I feel sad,
I'm screwed up I starve I'm silent
I hate myself. I'm a f/cking mess
I can't feel I lost myself I lie I cut
I'm a terrible person. I'm lonely.


WhenWordsFail 1 decade ago
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you are good enough. we all cry. without sadness we'd never know happiness. we're all screwed up. you don't need to starve yourself. speak up don't stay silent. stop hating yourself, you have so many reasons to love yourself so find those reasons. i can guarantee you're not as much of a mess as you think you are. you'll be able to feel once you've found yourself. why do you lie? you can stop cutting if you want, and you should stop cutting. you're not a terrible person you just see the worst in yourself. you'll stay lonely until you can help yourself. send me an email at if you want to talk, i'll try to help you xo
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UND3R 1 decade ago
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Your amazingly beautiful! Don't make yourself suffer, you're too great to do that. Don't cut, someone will look at you and think, "She's beautiful." Everybody gets a little lonely but Witty will keep you company. Don't hate your beautiful soul. You are always good enough for witty. Don't be sad, be happy one day it will be better. You will come out and be so strong.
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posted October 29, 2012 at 7:05pm UTC tagged with away messages