Story Quote #6575035
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For the Love of Senior chapter sixteen Chad's P.O.V. "Can

For the Love of Senior
chapter sixteen

Chad's P.O.V.

 "Can I ask you something?" Bailey asked me.
"Anything." We were getting ready to pack up my car and I was going to drive us back home. "But you may want to wait because your brother is walking this way."  She looked over her shoulder and saw that Richie was coming our way.
"This it Bail's?" He asked, putting a protective arm around his little sister. I couldn't imagine having a little sister and having her go through, what I put Bailey through. I'm probably lucky Richie didn't put me through a wall or shoot down my idea of coming all the way out here.
"Yeah." She answered throwing her arms around his waist. "Thank you Richie for everything."
"Anything for you kiddo. Remember I'm back for good in May."
"Thank god." Richie then approached me.
"Get her home safe and sound. And I swear you hurt her ever again Gardner, I will come home and kill you myself." He smiled and put a hand out to me. I met him with a strong grip.
"Will do Richie, I promise. And thanks."
"No problem." He hugged Bailey one more time. I had a feeling I was going to get him a lot better once he was home for good. We both slid into our seats in the car. I started up the enginge well she fiddled with the radio until she found the station she wanted.
"So what did you want to ask me?" I asked her.
"Ohh," She sat up straight suddenly remembering that she had a question for me. "Well it may sound kind of stupid, but why did you come after me?"
  I turned myself to look at her. I thought about it, because I pictured us going to homecoming and prom together. I saw her sitting with my family at graduation. I saw us spending the entire summer together. I saw me staying close to home just so I wouldn't be to far from her. I pictured myself in her passenger seat teaching her to drive. I pictured weekend trips to random places. I saw saturday mornings at the diner, where we went they day we ditched school. I saw the late phone calls and late nights together. I saw the girl who made me feel things I never thought I could feel for someone. I saw the girl who kept me on my toes about every little thing. And when she kissed me, oh boy, everything felt right. I'm so glad I finally used my brain and went after her. I didn't need homecoming, or people like Becca in my life. All I needed was Bailey. Without her I wasn't me, with her I was complete, I was Chad. So I looked deep into her eyes and told her the truth.
"Because I couldn't picture my life without you."

feedback? so this may come as a shock but thats it. I know it was sudden and I didn't warn anyone but I felt this was the place to end the story. I love all of you who read and favorite, you guys make me so happy. My next story will be coming soon.  

1 Comment

bluegreeneyes28 1 decade ago
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sorry this was chapter eighteen.not sixteen.
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posted January 15, 2013 at 4:22am UTC tagged with story

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