Witty Quote #6596903
all quotes · witty · leaving · annoying · whiny · inspirational ·

I'm leaving witty. Why? Well, there's only so much of

I'm leaving witty.   Why?
Well, there's only so much of teenage girls b*tching & whining about their well-off lives & claiming to have eating disorders & depression that one can take.
& Dear Steve, Witty Profiles is NOT about writing.
Witty is a giant pity competition. It's about trying to see who can get the most attention for their 'awful' life.


InsertAliasHere 1 decade ago
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live long and prosper
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AlpacaPerson 1 decade ago
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Good for you! I really wish that everyone would just go back to how witty used to be. It used to be a place full of funny quotes. No bullying, no complaining, so suicidal/cutting stuff.
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