Love Quote #6736150
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The Truth Is... Chapter 39 “Well, after everything happened

The Truth Is...
Chapter 39
“Well, after everything happened with us, I spiraled out of control. I got really depressed, and life at home got worse. I started to wonder if there was a way out, and one day I found it. It started with just bruises, you know, hitting myself “accidentally” or running into stuff. Soon, that wasn’t enough. When I was shaving, I’d purposefully cut myself. That made me feel better, but after awhile, that didn’t help anymore. So, I took the razor out of it, and one say I slit my wrists.” I gasped. I never would’ve guessed. “I’m sorry, go on,” I breathed. “I know, this is a shock to you, but ok. So, I was in the bathtub, because I figured that way my mom wouldn’t have to clean up the blood, she could just kind of wash it away, you know?” he asked, giving my hand a squeeze. Slowly, I nodded. “Well, Joey misheard my mom when she said I was taking a shower, and he thought she wanted him to go take a bath.” “No,” I breathed. Joey is Bryen’s younger brother. I think he’s 5 now, but I’m not sure. “Yeah. I guess he screamed and got my mom. I got admitted, and when I got out, I couldn’t go back home. I can’t even look at Joey now,” he sighed, his eyes starting to water. “I know, Lizzy doesn’t understand what happened with me, but it’s hard for me to look at her still. Hey, can I ask you something?” “Of course.” “Do you truly love me?” “Yes.” “Then you’d do anything for me?” I asked, eyeing the ledge. He followed my gaze. “Well, the truth is-” The rest of his sentence was broken off as he kissed me and we fell, tumbling off the cliff, in our final embrace. And in that spilt second before we hit the ground, I finally knew I was loved.  

The End!!!
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posted April 27, 2013 at 6:18pm UTC tagged with love, story, sad, final

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