Love Quote #6852725
all quotes · love · boys · sad ·

I keep telling myself that if I hook up with guys someday one

I keep telling myself that if I hook up with guys someday one of them will fall for me & like me for who I am but I just keep waiting & waiting


InspireCreateBecome21 1 decade ago
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You don't need to hook up with guys to get one. Just be yourself and if a guy likes you for you then he will fall in love with you being yourself too. , making out, and all of that isn't everything to all guys, only the few jerks out there. Not all of them are the same and this means a lot coming from me because recently I was thinking the same thing, but it isn't true. A guy will love you for you, your personality, your smile, your laugh. For everything about you, you just have to be positive, hopeful, and patient because "they didn't say it would be easy, they said it would be worth it." That quote is very true because finding and waiting for that guy won't be easy, but in the end it will be worth it, trust me :)
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Victoria13 1 decade ago
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Guys aren't everything, you don't have to wait for Prince Charming. He will come to you in time. Just focus on the good things and smile :) <3
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