Different Quote #6879978
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this quote represents me. it is small. you dont see it. you dont

this quote represents me. it is small. you dont see it. you dont realize how mucch work is putt intoo itt. so it decides to tryy to makee thhings better. It starts to capitalize and spells correctly. It tries to make itself better, yet still no one sees it. So it changes itself. Makes it easier to see, and more presentable. Yet still, it is unseen. It is different from the others, it doesn't fit in. Yet no one will take the chance to see it there, to see it struggling. It tries to stand out. It changes again, for other people. It adds color, so people will like it more. Yet still, NO ONE LIKES IT. IT SCREAMS! YET NO ONE HEARS IT! It tries to be like everyone else. No more individuallity! It becomes noticeable and soon people SHOULD BE reading it. Yet no one is. So finally it gives up. because no matter what it does, nobody sees it. it goes back to it's old wayss. it becomes different. it becomes itself. and still no one likes it. it shrinks untill no one sees it until soon it will be gone. and your gunna wwish u had redd itt but noww itz too damn late.

the end.

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