Inspirational Quote #714039
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Life is full of people that you like, but more that you don't.

Life is full of
people that you like, but more that you don't.
You're probably going to make quite a few
enemies along the way. *_You're gonna have
to learn to accept help from people that are
*_offering it, cause not everyone will. You're
going to have to deal with people that you
don't want to. And you're going to screw some
things up, and make some really stupid
mistakes. Things aren't always going to be
fair, actually, they probably usually won't  be.
Sometimes, there's going to be *_challenges,
and you're going to have to learn how to face
them. So yes, welcome to this place called
[[LiFE]] And doesn't it just suck sometimes?

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posted April 16, 2009 at 12:33am UTC tagged with inspirational

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