Requests Quote #757202
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name 20 people 10 boys and 10 girls. then answer the questions

name 20 people 10 boys and 10 girls. then answer the questions below! DNT LOOK AT THE QUESTIONS WEN YOUR FILLING IN THE NAMES ITS WAY
1. lexi
2. liza
3. josee
4. bree
5. katie
6. jackie
8.  tara
9. addie
10. kat

1. robert
2. dan s
3. dan d
4. joe
5. jordan
7. josh
8. jake
9. adam
10. kyle p

Could you live with girl #1 ? Are they a good enough friend? Or would you kill eachother?  
it would be awesomee (: we might atempt to kill eachtoher though..

Rate Number guy # 2 :
boyfriend, cute, sweet

Rate number girl # 5  :

Would guy #10 go good with girl # 6? : 
hell no.

would you EVER date guy #8 if they asked you out? :
hell no, i made him cry

iS number #7 boy and girl GOOD friends?:
nope. dont even know eachtoher

Who do you think would make the best couple? pick a girl number and a boy number, and type their name next to the number. [ they can be already dating, but if they are choose another 2 that arent dating, that would make a cute couple]: 

3 girl & 9 boy are dating
1 girl & 10 boy would be way 2 cure

Who is the cutest guy on your list? [ if you are dating them, you have to choose someone you AREN'T dating] : 
well im dating guy 2, but either 4 or 6

Which 2 girls on your list ARE YOUR BESTEST friends?:

If you had to choose,which 2 guys on your list are YOUR BESTEST FRIEND?: 
1 & 7

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posted May 3, 2009 at 10:31pm UTC tagged with requests

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