Requests Quote #822127
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When you are a teenage girl.... <3 ; you're friends are more

When you are a teenage girl.... <3
; you're friends are more important than your family
; boyfriends are a major priority
; you have to look perfect even if you're going somewhere stupid just incase you see someone you know
; if you have a zit, it's the end of the world
; you sneak out to meet a friend or a guy
; you become irritated by little things
; you whine about guys to everyone
; you're embarrassed to go to the mall with your parents
; you know what you're 'bases' are & you have been to some
; you find the real use of a basement & bedroom windows
; you need new clothes all the time
; you go to parties every weekend. unless you're parents come up with a stupid excuse for you not to go.
; & you go for 'walks' just to find guys

s'all true, right ladies?
*once again, lazy with colours. change if ya want,
* allll mine!

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posted May 31, 2009 at 10:47am UTC tagged with requests

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