Break Up Quote #90051
all quotes · break up ·

and as i sit here with a tear running down my cheek... i think

and as i sit here with a tear running down my cheek...
i think of the old times...
the good times...
the times when i could count on a phone call every night...
when hearing your voice or seeing you smile made everything perfect...
those wonderful kisses...
the days we spent together...
when i could apply love songs to my life...
when i was happier than ever before in my life...
when i had you...
but now i know I've lost you...too bad you still have every piece of me...and I don't plan on getting any of them back any time soon...because I still think about you constantly...and keep waiting for the minute you are going to call and say..."ok...i want you back, i need you"

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posted May 27, 2005 at 7:32pm UTC tagged with break up

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