Inspirational Quote #927563
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there are so many WaYs to say goodbye; first of all; there's

here are so many WaYs to say goodbye;

first of all; there's the nonchalant-im-probably-going-to-see/talk-to you-in-a-short-time, so i dont really care if i say a heartfelt goodbye
then; there's the romantic goodbye that usually occurs if the person is in a relationship with the other person- is used whenever they say goodbye to each other- whether or not they will be seen the next day.
third; there's the old, "im-in-love-with-you-and-im-not-going-to-see-you-for-a-while", this goodbye takes time, it is dragged on because this person suddenly realizes what they are giving up, what they are leaving, or who is leaving them; and they realize, probably for the first time,
how much they love this person. these goodbyes are usually short-term goodbyes- they are in action for two to three months until reunited. lastly, is the real goodbye. the toughest of the tough. every person goes through this goodbye at least one time in there life, some reasons being even more heartwrenching than others. its the forever-and-ever-goodbye. this goodbye takes the longest to go through and to get over. its when someone who is a driving force in your life will never be able to see you again. these are heartfelt, tearful, horrible, difficult goodbyes, that make people realize the important things in life. these goodbyes are the most sorrowful, but also the most meaningful. goodbyes are what gives the world its balance, because one person leaves your life, it gives another person a slot to come into your life, like a neverending cycle of love and devotion. when a person leaves your life, it is usually for a reason- something in the universe that needs for that person to slip away, to become someone else, to give someone else a light in the dark. so even if these goodbyes make you feel all alone a l w a y s  remember that goodbyes might not be for the better, but they have to happen;  whether or not they are accepted. it makes a person grow and become a stronger person; who will make someone else a stronger person;who will make someone else a stronger person; who needs the strength to

a y g o o d b y e *

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soccerchic223 1 decade ago
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((this has nothing to do with me leaving. purely coincidental.))
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posted July 9, 2009 at 4:42pm UTC tagged with inspirational

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