
Joined: August 25, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 122425
Howdily doodily.

i have the bestest friend in the world. Oh hello Gina. Nice of you to pop in. K toodles. Tehehehe ♥

Quotes by 12345onceicaughtafishalive

Did she just... -Oh Hell no! Girl, hold my sh*t!
Hello. Welcome to Heartbreak Hotel. Oh hey there Mr Ben and Jerry.. thank you for visiting us. =) 
I feel like the walls are closing in on me. I'm trying to get out but now everything's coming from different directions. Now it's getting harder to breathe... And I'm beginning to give up on resisting. I just want to lay down. Maybe relax a little... I just want to not have to worry about my limited options. God, I'm sick of this. It's not going to get better, don't tell me it is. I know you're lying. Hands wrapped around my knees, my own safety harness. I just want to dissapear.