
Joined: July 17, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 318187

Hey(: This is my One Direction account... my real one is Hockeyprincess11. I love One Direction! Been to a concert and I hope another one next year(: I've been born in the wrong country, I know. USA... but I want to move to Britain when I'm 18. 
Okay, if you don't like One Direction then fine. It's your opinion. Don't eat my head off because i like them.


Quotes by 1D_fr3ak

Two Years Of One Direction Today< 3
Three Teen Choice Awards < 3

One Direction Is Truely Talented &
I Love How They're Themselves
Seen the Video?


You sat in the ice cream shop, enjoying Vanilla ice cream with your boyfriend, Harry. This was your favorite spot for dates since you love ice cream!

"How is your ice cream, babe?" asked Harry.

You smile, "Delicious."

Harry looked at you for a little bit longer with a big smile on his face. You gave him a confused look but went back to eating. When you were almost done, your spoon hit something solid. You dugged around the cup, thinking it was a type of candy but soon realized it was a diamond ring.

You gasped and looked up at Harry who now had the ring in his hand, wiped off from ice cream.

He got done on one knee right next to you and said the most beautiful words, "JC, I've loved you since the day I layed eyes on you. Your smile makes me smile, your laugh makes me laugh, and your love is all  I need to be able to live. JC, will you marry me?"

You feel a tear slip from your brown eyes, "Harry, I love you." He then slipped the beautiful ring on your finger.


For now on... I'm going to voice my opinion but

at the end I will say,

"If your offended don't comment back."

I feel like that's fair.

So no drama or fights(;

If your offended don't comment back. LOL see what I did there? omg i'm so hilarious. like omg.


You are on the set for One Direction's Up All Night music video. You are an experience dancer and this video requires much dancing. You are nervous to meet the boys because you are a huge fan.

The make up artist finished your make up and when you look in the mirror; you're flawless! Your brown-blonde hair is perfectly curled and your sea green eyes is accented by black eyeliner and gold eye shadow.

You make your way to the set in your outfit of a black pencil skirt with a sparkly white shirt tucked into it. Your shoes are black heels that make you a few more inches tall.

The boys had found their way to set and were now coming to introduce themselves. All of the boys did except for Harry who gave you a once over and then a kiss on the hand to be flirty. You blushed and said, "Hi, I'm Ashley."

You guys talk for a little bit longer until the director comes up to give instructions, "So this is a normal house party but Harry has an eye on one girl which is Ashley. Harry and Ashley will be giving a couple of flirty stares and to finish it off; a kiss."

You get a lot of butterflies but walk on set, ready for action. The director yells action and you start to dance around but making sure to look at Harry as much as you can. Many times; you guys locked eyes.

After a few minutes, you begin to walk up to Harry and he does the same. Every inch until the kiss. You finally meet up and his hands snake around your waist. You lean up and he leans down, planting his soft lips against yours.

Instantly you feel a spark fly and you guys keep kissing. You hear a faint noise of the director calling, "Stop!" but Harry doesn't seem to want to let go and neither do you.
Finally, for air you do. Harry gives you a smile and you return one back. The boys in the back round are whistling which makes you blush.

"We should do that scene, again." Yells Harry to the director and then giving you another kiss.



You walk around the mall with Harry's hands laced around yours. Today was your birthday and since he is the best boyfriend, he is taking you on a shopping spree.

"Well since it's now September, you need this seasons clothes." Harry informs you, walking you into Hollister.

"I swear your gay sometimes." You joke.

Harry rolls his eyes at you but can't help but smile, "If you weren't so dang cute, I'd be mad at you for saying that. You have no idea how many rumors are going around about me and Lou."

You laugh and look at the clothes. You instantly lay your hands on a blue, stripped dress that you had to try on. Harry leads you to the changing room, and makes you try it on.

After you put it on, it is beautiful. It compliments every part of your body and you look stunning. You get out of the dressing room for you boyfriends opinion which you for sure get.
"Bri, you look beautiful. More than that actually! Gorgeous. Sometimes I cannot believe how lucky I am." Harry gushes.

You can't help but blush at his chessines. You give him a little twirl before he snakes his hands around your waist.

"Bri, do you understand how much I love you?" Harry asks, not letting you answer because his lips press against yours.



You stood back stage, waiting with your best friend; Baylee for your meet and greet with One Direction. You weren't freaking out as much as your friend but was still really excited!
"I can't believe I'm going to see Harry!" Baylee freaked.

You laughed, "Niall is so cute! I wonder if his accent is even cooler in person!"
Before you guys could fan girl anymore, the boys came out and greeted you. All of them looking great and for you, Niall looked the best.

"Hi, I'm Brittany but you can call me Britt." You say to Niall.

He gives you a once over before saying, "A pretty name for a gorgeous face."
You blush frantically while he gives you an autograph on the back of your white iPhone. He also goes on it and types a few things up. You're confused but don't ask questions.

Before you are escorted out Niall says, "Can't wait to see you, love."

You look at your iPhone and soon to find a little note in the Notes app.

I've never seen someone so beautiful. How would you like to go out for dinner Saturday night? xxx, Niall

With that, Niall's phone number is there and a heart next to it. You show it to Baylee who gives you a look of envie yet excitment.



You sat in your room, blow drying your hair straight so the natural curls wouldn't take place. You were off for your date with Josh who is your boyfriend of a year.

You finsished getting ready in a short, purple dress and then looked at your phone to recieve a text from your best friend.

Kylee; look @ this! Josh is cheating on you! OMG.

Attached to that text message, an image was there. The image showed your boyfriend, Josh, kissing a girl at the mall. You threw your phone at the wall and started to cry. Shortly, you called Josh teling him off and then called your best friend, Louis, who would be right over after his recording session.

You waited for about forty minutes until you heard the door bell ring. You opened the door to Louis holding two comedy movies and a bag full of candy.

He took you into a hug and led you to the family room so you guys could watch your movie.

After the movies, you guys started to talk about everything. Louis has now scooted closer to you and was holding you in his arms.

"Eryn, you deserve so much more." Louis tells you.

You look at your palms, "No, I can't even keep a guy. There is always someone better."

Louis looked into your eyes, "Babe, you're beautiful. I love the way you laugh and the way you smile. I love how you don't care what anyone else thinks and how you would pick a Big Mac over a rice cake." Louis pulls you closer, "And most of all, Eryn, I love you." Giving you a kiss on the lips.



"You're doing great!" Niall reassured you while you strum on the guitar. He was the one who taught you since he was always over. Your families were very good friends.

"I can't seem to put my finger in the right place." You tell him.

Niall places his hand on top of yours and helps you strum the chord. It makes your hand tingle at the feeling and soon you guys are looking right into each others eyes. His beautiful, blue orbs watching your green ones.

"There you did it." Niall finally said.

It takes you a minute to respond since you were so lost into his eyes,
"Yeah, thanks Nialler." You thank him. Looking down at your floor, feeling self concious.

Niall brings your head back up and puches your brown hair out of your face, "Sydney, do you believe in love?"

"I guess." You say, confused.

Niall gives you a hesitant look before slowly tilting his head and then pushing his lips against yours. You instantly fall into the kiss, your mind flooding of all thoughts but Niall's lips.

You finally push back for breath as he smiles at you.

"I've loved you since we were little. Will you, Sydney, be my girlfriend?" Niall asks, and you answer with another kiss. As perfect as the last.
Hope you like it! Maybe this will come true(; xxxxx



"Skye! Slow down!" Harry, your boyfriend, calls. You have now lapped him twice on the ice.

"Gotta catch me!" You yell, laughing.

After a couple more laps, you finally stop so he could catch up. When he does, a teenage girl comes up. She has bleach blonde hair and a pound of make up on.

"Are you Harry Styles?" she asks, pushing you away.

Harry gives her a smile, "Yes I am. What's your name?"

She gives a ear piercing shriek, "Oh my god! You're so cute. I'm Ashlynn."
After a few more comments, Harry ends up signing her ice skates and before she goes, she gives you a glare.

"Harry, if you want a better time with a prettier face; call me." Ashlynn says.

You give her a big smile, "Why I'm sure he'll take that into thought, love. It was nice meeting you!"

She looks very shocked at how nice you were but skates off with her
other plastic friends. When she leaves, you turn to Harry who is giving you a wicked smile.

"You're so hot when you do that." Harry winks, kissing you on the lips.

"Psh, I'm always hot." You joke.

Before skating off with Harry's hand laced in yours he respondes, "You're more than hot; you're beautiful."

Hope you like it! xx



"Go, Hayle!" you hear your boyfriend, Zayn, yell from the stands as you kick your second goal in. You swing your brown-blonde pony tale around so you can look at your boyfriend. You give him a wink and go back to the game.
"You did great!" Zayn said, kissing you on the forehead. You had just won the game for your team and was super happy!

"Thanks, babe." You say, looking into his chocolate brown eyes while he looks into your blue ones. He lowers his head and kisses you gently on the lips.

He finally steps back and winks, "I've got a couple plans for us tonight."

You now start walking with his hand around your waist, "Oh yeah? What's that?"

"Now that's a surprise." Zayn says, giving one last kiss on the cheek.

Sorry if it's not good, he kisses you though(: