
Joined: November 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 237934
Complicated w/ the boy of my dreams.,

Quotes by Allibaby39

it gets easier, i promise you this. in everthing in me, i can tell you with 100%, it. gets. easier with time.(:
I just want you that's it. All your flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm. Everything. I just want you.<3

for all you eminem fans:
YMCMB stands for:
Y'all mad cuz marshalls better.
 b i t c h e s.<3

Because of you,
i'll never forget the summer of 2011.<3
Format credit: Sandrasaurus

They didn't agree on much. in fact, they rarely agreed on anything.
They fought all the time && they challened each other everyday.
But in spite of their differences;
They had one important thing in common;; they were both crazy about each other.<3
~'The notebook.'~

That awkward moment when you dont know if your grandmas planking, or if shes dead
Every girl has three guys in her life ; the one she loves , the one she hates , & the one she cant live without. Theyre all the same guy.
Just think..
If one small, little thing didn't happen...
You wouldn't have even known

his name.
not my format.

she thinks back;;
(_.·´¯`·×» back to all the things he used to say, all the things he used to do, that made her smile.
f u n n y , r i g h t ?

sometimes it is the good memories that make you cry the most.

if i treatedyou the way you


you'd hate me.