
Joined: April 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 167606

Ammi's Favorite Quotes

 mom and dad  

im 15 and i think im old enough to watch a "bad" part in a movie

fave if you think the work *ugly* should not exist.<3


i wonder what it

feels like to have a top


fav if u never had a top quote and want one . 


Do you have to make me feel like there's nothing left of me? <|3 
In every group of friends,
There's that one friend 
nobody likes. Think I'm wrong?
You're probably that friend.


She Walks To School With The Lunch She Packed
Nobody Knows What Shes Holding Back
Wearing The Same Dress She Wore Yesterday
She Hides The BRUISES   With The Linen And Lace
{♥}Fave If Your Against Child Abuse

The truth is, whenever I said goodbye, I wanted you to fight for
me to stay....

NMF. My quote...


Dear hair salon stylists,

Why does it never feel this good when I wash my hair myself?! 

Sincerely, come home with me?

His dad abandoned him and his mother when he was 18 months old.

He changed schools 3 times a year so his mom could find a job. He had no friends.

He was beat up in hallways, bathrooms, and put in lockers.

His mom was a drug addict and it was said she abused him.

He failed the 9th grade 3 times before dropping out.

He was told he wouldn't make it as a rapper because he's white.

His closest friend Ronnie committed suicide.

He and his wife divorced twice and he was left to raise his daughter alone.

& where is he now?
no hes not poor or homeless. Hes out there , inspiring millions of people with his raps, setting records, winning awards and changing music.

It just goes to show that you can overcome anything.

Fave if Eminem's music has helped you through a tough time

we love you slim shady

Don't be in a relationship
If your gonna act single.

. ......