
Joined: October 25, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 130176

Ashleigh2010's Favorite Quotes

I just want to feel your arms
wrapped  aroun me,  tight.
even if just for one moment.

t   h   e   g   i   r   l   w   h   o   w   a   s   a   l   w   a   y   s   h   a   p   p   y
finally had enough. she broke. she cried. harder then she ever
has. but no on will know, because she paints on that fake smile
everyday. acting like everythings, OKAY. <------------------------- ♥
There’s this thing you do
I don’t quite understand
But I love the way you make me feel
When I’m with you
I feel like I’m on top of the world
And there’s nothing that could pull me down
You make me feel like I’m the only one that matters
You can call me beautiful, and I know you mean it.
Boy you taught me the meaning of love.
But I don’t quite understand
The things you do.
You make me feel special
With every word you say
Even when I’m down I can count on you
To brighten my day
Boy, there’s just something you do
I don’t quite understand
But whatever it is don’t stop,
I like the way you make me feel.

I have no idea what to do with this situation... but it seems like nobody understands me...

Confession Number Two,

A lot of the times, we talk on the phone. I find my self crying. Single tears run down my cheeks. Part of it is I miss you. I wish you were mine. But the other part is I love you so much. Your my best friend. I am always so grateful to hear your voice. Honestly, I will never forget you.

i love you ...
w h y      d o n t     y o u     b e l i e v e     m e    ?     . . .      </3

I hate when 
part  of

the outfit  I've mentally planned
is in the laundry.


~100% absolute credit to itsvianna this is absolutly not mine! i'm sorry itsvianna! i saw it and loved it!


& Thats what you get for falling again.
You can never get him out of your head,
Its the way that
he makes you feel,

Its the way that he kisses you,
Its the way he makes you fall in love♥