
Joined: July 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: July 23
user id: 321431
Gender: F
My Name is Haiely.
I have 2 sisters and a little dog named Louie.
I like One Direction and Big Time Rush.
Im going in to the 4th grade.
My favorite color is sky blue.
Emma8D is my sister and Dukey95 is my cousin.
I write stories(:
I Love Louis!
Layout made by _RandomRequests

Quotes by BTRLover

what kind of dogs like to take baths

      a shampoodle
at the park

me-  can i have that apple

me- can i have that apple

sister- no

sister- can i have your apple

me- get your own

sister-no now give me your apple

me-i get yours you get mine

me. hi

me hi

freind. sh

me. ok do yo play a fluteafone

me. you got to be fast and you got to know your notes

Birds chirping brings music to my heart

why didn't the skelaton cross the road                                   because he didn't have the gut's  to do it


there once wase a girl who had a parit it wouldnt be  quiet so she decided to have a party the parit wouldnt be quiet so she put the parit in the bathroom not only in the bathroom in the toillet  and its a party sombody had to go to the bathroom it was a girl she pulled down her pants sat on the toillet and suddenly she herd i see your hiney all bright and shiny if you dont hide it im gonna bite it.