
Joined: June 12, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 308011
I did NOT come up with these. There's a profile on twitter that made these up. I take NO credit. They were really funny so I thought I'd share with you guys.

I am not trying to hurt anyone with these jokes, i'm sorry if you are offended by these. If you comment on them and would like me to take a quote down, I will gladly do so.

Credit to :!/ItsBadLuckBrian 

Quotes by BadLuckBrian16

Doesn't forward chain mail.

Murdered in his sleep.
Buys a snapback.

His back snaps.
Shows girl his tractor.

She doesn't think it's sexy.
Gets a fish.

It drowns.
Gets a stripper.

Only takes off her glasses.
Checks himself.

Still wrecks himself.
Gets new crayons.

Looks both ways.

Hit by parked car.
Goes out to celebrate his 21st birthday.

Designated driver.