
Joined: December 17, 2013
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 376371
Gender: F

Quotes by BadMeetsEvil

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life, won't look down, won't open my eyes
~Chandelier Sia

why is it that i find myself always picking up the pieces of my own crumbling heart?
the truth is nothing more than the shattered image of a perfect lie
Do you it matters how many people a person has slept with?
"... it's such a wierd thing to care about. Like imagine if I started eating Cheerios for breakfast, would Cheerios be like,"I'm the 48th cereal you tried eating!? I don't feel special anymore." Well, screw you Cheerios, I can't go into the past and un-eat all those cereals, but that doesn't mean I don't genuinely enjoy your whole grain crunch."
~John Green 

We used to be best friends and every smile was filled with happiness... 
Until we went to high high school and starting ignoring one another... 
Nothing but occasional glances here and there...
Awkward moments when passing by each other..
How did this happen?
Brother: Can you please?
Me: No, you go
Brother: This will be the last time!
Me: Why can't you?
Brother: Please!?!?
Me: Fine! *raisies hand* Excuse me, may I have some ketchup?

My and my brother everytime we're at a restaurant...
Best friends change, but memories don't.
Let me tell you of my generation,
Where kid
s are more interested in the new Play Station,
There's no m
ore going outside to play and look,
all inside checking out what's new on facebook,
Some guys l
ike to sag their pants 'till it show their butt,
Please tel
l me I'm not the only one disturbed to see them strut,
rently YOLO is a trend,
Oh go
d! Please help this generation mend,
people say their going to be the first to land on the sun,
t's it, I'm outta here, I'm done!
Those peop
le need to get their facts straight,
The s
un is a burning ball of fire sweetie, sorry, no hate,
There a
re people that make me do facepalms,
And for
thoses who like to scream their heads off need to pipe the 'eff down and keep calm,
For t
he Instagram people, no need to post a picture of everything you eat,
if y
ou do, welcome to the Land of I-don't-give-a-'eff, have a seat,
To the peo
ple of Twitter, all the hashtags, I can't...
Let's just say it looks like a tic-tac-toe tournament for ants! 
Oh, and
vampires drink blood and burn in the sunlight,
They don't s
parkle and stalk a 17 year old girl at night,
Werewolves do not fall in love with babies,
They bite random people and have rabies!
e singers these days,
I don't
know what's being made,
in Bieber with his so-called "music" has got to go,
And, Ni
cki Minaj, without make-up, looks like a potato,
Rebecca Bl
ack telling us what day it is,
How in the world did these peple get into show biz?!
And a
ll these things make the world look dull and gray, 
I do ha
ve something else to say,
all my twelve years that I've lived to see,
I'm questioning my faith in humanity!
So I have these two friends that are constantly being shipped together...but they have no feelings for each other.
This was the plan for the prank...

Step One: Convince them to make the best prank ever, and ask them to "go out" two days before April Fools.

Step Two:  Watch everyone go crazy and happy since they're finally going out.

Step Three: Watch for the big day to come...

Step Four: Take camera and film reaction after saying they whole thing was a prank!!!

Step Five: Watch jaws drop and surprise get scrawled all over their faces!

And the prank actually worked!!!
Best April Fool's prank for me in a long time!
Girl, your legs are so beautiful...
I'm gonna call this leg Thanksgiving, and this one Christmas...
Do you think I can visit you between the holidays?
