
Joined: February 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 277509
About Bagel;  
My names Kaleigh, I'm 14 years young. This is my
second witty account. I've been on since 2009. My birthday is April 8th. This year it's on Easter c: Anyways, my mom and I are really close and I love her<3 Her, music, and witty get me through a lot. Oh, and my friends. Caroline (Unicornz) and Rachelle (halfempty) Well, enjoy my quotes! Bye beautifuls c:
This is a nice big empty space you have here, it's highly attractive. HIYA KIWIWIWIWI. Rachelle hacking like a boss over here and not knowing what exactly to write ftw. I love your password, it's wonderful. And your username, considering it's my name and delicious. You're my best fwiend and I wub you<33 If anyone's reading this they should follow you. But it's probably only you reading this so you should follow yourself xD I love food.. and so do you, isn't that a wonderful friendship? I like how we bonded over bagels lolol we still need to meet asap? Kay? Kay<3 Uhmm so you're kinda sorta really really gorgeous and I'm jealous. And I love you. And I think I already said that. But I love you a lot so Ill continue to say it.
I love you I love you I love you I love you. Okay
BYEEE - Halfempty

Hebrew hey gurlll. It's yo lady Caroline hurrrr♥ i like pie. chu no  whut...? I haven't seen duck in fo evah.lolol. So hi. It's been 9 years gurl, and 9 be my favorite numbahh :O We cray cray, and my momma thinks you is cray cray alsoo. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. You had china food for dinner tonight, and I had dominos. Too cool for
erryone. We went bowling, and you saw my cousin's
but crack.... you almost peed. And you almost peed
again when my aunt went to talk to the guy with that
sock. I'm really shocked Jessica didn't pee on my
couch, I was praying she wouldn't while I was on the
floor. I like floors. when my mom eats she sounds
like a cat licking it's poooooooooooop. poop is
nummy. Well, we gahtts ta throw my american girl
doll in the air sometime soon. Dat wuz cray. We
have so many memories.. and I dont like typing...  
So, I'm gunna leave you with this and go have some
of those cinnamon stick thinggs :D byyyyeeeee



Quotes by Bagel

People make mistakes.
Just because I made a big one, doesn't mean
you should hold it against me. I made a mistake,
and I'm learning from it. I try to forget it, but it's 
kinda hard if you keep bringing it up.


The only apology I have is to myself. For caring too much.


When I look back,
I think about  the good times    we had and it   makes me hard to think we aren't friends anymore.   Then, I think about all the things you said to me when we   fought that  hurt me. Then I realize   that whole friendship, probably meant   more to me then it   meant to you, I realize that maybe we just aren't   meant to be  friends again.


No, it's fine.
   I just    thought        you cared.

I guess I thought wrong..

'You don't care.'
It hurts that you think I don't care.
'Cause, newslflash, I DO.
I have always cared. You're
supposed to be my "best friend"
obviously I care about you.
I always have cared and I always will
So, don't you for a second think that I don't.


Format by Sandrasaurus

Come on, Come on,
Don't leave me like this.
I thought I had you figured out.

Format by Sandrasaurus