
Joined: November 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 233132

His Name Is Harry.

&He Has My Heart.

Well, Baby....
we're in this together.

status / mood box. :]

 text box for about you or whatever. (: 

and, it scrollllls, which is always entertaining! ;D

Quotes by BamberXoX

Im gonna be a mommmy :D <3


You Know

what's Funny.

We all worry about those popular girls.
We always waste our time on that one boy.

Girls...your young.
You have P L E N T Y of time to find the one.
You are sitting around, wasting wishes on a guy.
Then, on top of that, your wasting your time trying to impress those girls.
Why? What do they matter?
So what. They get all the guys and the have a bangin' body.
But how far will they get in life by getting all the guys?
By wearing the tightest, shortest clothes?
You DESERVE to smile.
You DESERVE to have no worries.
You DESERVE to have that douche out of your head.
Your wasting your life, beautiful.
You don't need a guy to have fun.
Yeah, you might want one but GUESS WHAT
I want a million dollars.
Get over him and get over them.
I know it's not easy because we've all been there but try hard enough and BAM your over it.
Don't take this the wrong way.
I just want you to realize that you have 3769138756234875 years to find a guy.
Kay Bye :)

& Today,

I saw myself. I mean really looked at myself.
I realized that when I was younger, I thought I would be much farther than this.
I thought I would have been getting straight A's.
Head of the soccer team.
Head cheerleader.
&Following my dreams as a gymnist.
But instead, I'm getting C's and above, I quit soccer, and I haven't stepped foot in the gym in 4 years.
This isn't who I thought I would be...