
Joined: September 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 214430
Hi loves<3
I'm a girl from a small town in New England;;
I have a fear a heights, spiders, and falling.
I'm usually really nice and funny except for when I need to be serious.
I love taking photos and swimming(:
If anyone ever needs someone to talk to I'm here for you.
I think I give pretty decent advice. I mean I'm not a therapist, but I'm pretty close.

My twitter account is AnonSophGirl <-- Follow it(:

Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect<3
Thanks to anyone who read this(: xoxo ;*

BeYouTiFul_97's Favorite Quotes

Father: Say Daddy!
Baby: Mommy
Father: Come on! Say daddy!
Baby: Mommy.
Father: F*ck you! Say daddy!
Baby: F*ck you
Mother: Honey! I'm home!
Baby: F*ck you
Mother: Oh my goodness! Where did you hear that?!
Baby: Daddy
Father: Are you kidding me?!

This quote is about "Yay2horses" who supposedly commited suicide 2 days ago.

This is the quote making the claim:
Now I'm not saying this is fake, but I'm not so sure I believe it, here's some evidence to question the profile:

"these are some of yay2horses' quotes. = says she is 5'1 and 12 years old. = says she is 5'11 and her mom passed away when she was 8. = says she is 16 years old and has "parents"  -kattana12

Here's some more evidence: = Her friend connor calls her lauren, but her profile says her name is Ash. Also claiming that she can barely walk - yet she was able to run into the middle of a road and jump in front of a car before the driver/connor could barely react. = this says "lauren" is her best friend..... so now I'm just really confused, does lauren post on her account a lot? = also not being able to run = also claiming to be 12 = is claiming to be a 15 year old boy named alex = if she can't see 4 feet in front of her face then how can she shoot archery and hunt like she says in her "about me"? = claims to not be able to run or defend herself = ^she's taking self-defense classes....

She also has some comments where she's talks about how much she loves 1D, but then quotes where she talks about how much she hates them and how they're gay....

Thanks for reading, I know this is kind of controversial, and it's a really touchy topic,but i feel like it might be a scam (I'm not saying it is!) I just want to know what's going on. Anybody else find this a bit odd or have an explanation? I think there are two people making quotes on the account but I really have no idea. Comment please.

Adalia Rose
Adalia Rose is a 5 -year old girl who suffers from progeria,  ive been seeing people steal her pictures and make them say things that are so wrong , if you dont know her search her on facebook at , Adalia Rose , shes amaziing and youll love her just as much as i do. she inspires millions and millions of people that they really are beautiful no matter what disorder they were born with , or what cancer they have.  Shes Amazing , if anything i know that i am inspired by her. ... Here's To Adalia Rose ♥ 


Anybody remember the game ToonTown?
Y e a h   w e l l    I ' v e   b e e n    p l a y i n g    i t  a l l   a f t e r n o o n .

That awkward moment when You see a 3rd garder with a better phone than you.


My sister: How do people trip over air ?
Me : I don't know, but i do it all tthe time :)
Her :
Me :
Her :
Her :.
Her: why am I related to you
Me: well when a mommy and daddy lo-
Her : just shut up ur embararsing yourself
Me : but you asked m-
Her : please just shutup!
Me: well guess whos not allowed to pet my pet turtle yea YOU!
Her : you don't have a turtle...
Me: shutup I'll get one, one day and when i get it ur not allowed to pet it!
Me: yea i went there b*tch
If I auditioned for the X-Factor
Simon: Who are your musical inspiration?
Me: One Direction, Adele, Ed Sheeran, Olly Murs and uhh yah that about sums it up
Simon: Uhmm alright.. What would you do with the 5 million dollars?
Me: Buy One Direction
Simon: Direction...?
Me: yup
Simon: alright... what do you enjoy doing other than singing?
Me: Fangirling over One Direction, buying magazines with their faces on them, stalking One Direction's tweets, listening to their songs... And I like to act
Simon: ohh really? what do you act about?
Me: I reenact One Direction interviews:
what are you going to sing?
Me: What makes you beautiful by One Direction

My boyfriends little sister is autistic.

Yesterday she couldn't sleep so she called me & I talked to her for three hours.
She told me about how all the kids at school make fun of her for her weight and looks and for being autistic and I told her she was beautiful no matter what.
Then after that she told me she wants to be just like me when she grows up and she never wants her brother and I to breakup because I'm like the older sister she never had.
We set up a scavenger hunt for my boyfriends birthday on Sunday. She's helping me put up all the clues that day and have it lead to his gift from me. I'm cutting out a hundred paper hearts and writing on each one, a different reason why I love him.


I know many of you wont care. but this is something that kills me.

I'm putting my cat down because I'm almost 1000% sure she has cancer. She can't walk, or meow. it sucks to look at her and know that she is suffering. To look at my cat and think I can't go on without her. She's mine. She has always been. Knowing that she is gone will eat me alive. I just want to know my witty family is there for me. I need you all to be there for me.

this quote was just a vent... also to see if anyone really cared... <3